


Business ethics and anti-corruption policy

Кодекс деловой этики и антикоррупционной политики


The Company Nexus Logic based on its many years of experience, given the challenges of today's economic space, confidently looking to the future, it has established an effective system of common values, principles and rules of conduct of employees of the Company. As reflected in the Ethics Code of the Company.

The principles of civilized business practices consist of the foundation of the Company and are built on mutual respect, fairness, impartiality and compliance with the requirements of current legislation.

Maintaining and developing corporate culture, an atmosphere of trust, respect, integrity and rejection of all manifestations of unethical behavior, detection and prevention of potential risks and resolution of ethical issues is one of the priority tasks of the Company.

Each employee of the Company not only makes a significant contribution to the development of the Company, but it is the face of the Company and the guarantee of the business partner’s reputation, state and society.

The Company creates an ethical and honest behavior of the employees and the Company as a whole in its relations with employees, business partners, the state and society. At each stage of cooperation with customers, the company ensures compliance with the highest ethical standards of conduct, creating and maintaining an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. We guarantee the observance of law and the assumed contractual obligations.

Conscientiousness of employees’ behavior and the Company reveals to follow the principle of fair competition. The Company does not create and does not participate in any anti-competitive and monopolizing activities.

The Company sees its own future in the field of business ethics application at the appropriate level to follow the best practices of corporate governance, compliance with the principles of objectivity and fairness.


The Company strictly adheres to high ethical standards and principles of an open and honest business practices in its activities, as well as striving to improve the corporate culture, adherence to best practices of corporate governance and keeping business reputation at the proper level of the Company.

Fundamental legal acts in the sphere of the fight against corruption are the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" and the Law of Ukraine "On Principles of Prevention and Combating Corruption", as well as internal local acts of the Company. Also, given the activity of the company in the international market, the company introduced a compulsory certification and testing of employees in the framework of international standards FCPA Rules (USA) and Anti-Bribery Act (United Kingdom).

The Company's policy of Nexus Logic in the field of prevention and counteraction to corruption offenses is a set of interrelated principles, procedures and specific measures aimed at the prevention and suppression of corruption offenses in the activities of the Company.

The Company fully performed its obligations under the development, approval and implementation of measures for preventing, detecting and combating corruption in the interests of the Company and the civil society.

The main objective of the Company in the field of anti-corruption policy are:

  • minimization of the Company involve risk, its management and employees in corrupt activities;
  • formation of the Company's employees, regardless of their positions, contractors and other persons uniform understanding of the Company's policy of rejection of corruption in all its forms and manifestations;
  • generalization and explanation of the main requirements of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of combating corruption, applicable in the Company.

Implementation of anti-corruption measures of organization brings a number of significant advantages. In particular, the organization's commitment to the law and high ethical standards in business relations contribute to strengthening its reputation among other companies and clients. At the same time the organization's reputation may to some extent be protected against corruptive abuse by unscrupulous representatives of other companies and public authorities.

In addition, the implementation of anti-corruption measures significantly reduces the risks of the use of the organization of liability for bribery of officials, including the foreign ones. The particular note is that the prevention of corruption in the selection of organizations-contractors and building relationships with them reduces the likelihood of the imposition of sanctions for improper organization of activities of intermediaries and partners.

The Company's refusal to participate in corrupt dealings and corruption prevention also contribute to the good conduct of its employees in relation to each other and to the company itself.

The company strives for the most efficient administration of their practices and the application of effective and proven measures for the prevention of corruption offenses as identifying relevant risks based on their degree and probability, and the other specific circumstances, evidence of the need for a certain measure of prevention and correction.


03143, Ukraine , Kiev, 42 , Metrolohychna Str., 7 section
BC «Feofania City»

ISO 9001:2015